Thursday, July 31, 2008

CAST submission to the FNQ 2025 Strategic Plan

Executive Summary -
The community organisation Cairns Action for Sustainable Transport (CAST) presents this submission to the FNQ 2025 Strategic Plan because we recognise that the current draft plan has the following serious flaws.
 Climate Change and Peak Oil: The draft fails to adequately recognise and address the severity of the identified threats stemming from Climate Change and Peak Oil.
 Renewable Energy: The draft fails to effectively commit to renewable energy as a fundamental part of any transport response to climate change and peak oil.
 Policy Disconnect: The draft fails to effectively translate the State Government aim of “sustainable transport” into policies capable of delivering on that commendable aim.
 Public Transport: The draft fails, by adoption of an inappropriate reactive model, to proactively embrace public transport for Cairns and region.

A link to the PDF is available on this blog site.

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