Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rail for Cairns? Have your say...

• considering the 50 year plus life cycle of rail infrastructure and it's lower maintenance costs, rail is equal or cheaper than bus transit systems
• rail is much better at accommodating bikes and mobility aids
• rail is unaffected by road congestion and more reliable
• rail has better popular appeal which will help public transport uptake
• Cairns already has a lot of usable rail infrastructure and corridors
• rail is much better then bus transit systems in reducing GHG emissions and has the potential for zero GHG emission transport
• rail for commuting will improve rail infrastructure which can also be used for freight transport
• committing to rail is also a commitment to a high public transport uptake
• especially on the southern corridor rail duplication is a feasible and better alternative to freeway expansion
The CAST sustainable transport petition was presented to the Member for Cairns Desley Boyle on Thursday November 6.
Nine hundred and fifteen people signed the CAST petition for the following demands:
• Adopt as a guiding principle the fundamental link between renewable energy and sustainable transport.
• Set a minimum 40% reduction target for the region's greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 in the statutory regulations.
• Adopt a proactive approach to public transport and rail freight, rather than the reactive approach advocated in the FNQ 2025 draft.
• Adopt a substantially higher target for public transport use within Cairns – not the proposed minimum target of 10% by 2036, but at least 40% by 2025.
• Immediately commit to a rail-based “spine” for a renewable energy based public transport system for Cairns (incorporating the existing Gordonvale-CBD-Redlynch rail as the first stage).

Thursday, August 28, 2008


CAST meetings have moved to the 2nd Tuesday of the month and to a new venue in the City - Tramways at the Cape York Hotel, Spence Street. Meetings run from 7pm to 9pm. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

CAST submission to the FNQ 2025 Strategic Plan

Executive Summary -
The community organisation Cairns Action for Sustainable Transport (CAST) presents this submission to the FNQ 2025 Strategic Plan because we recognise that the current draft plan has the following serious flaws.
 Climate Change and Peak Oil: The draft fails to adequately recognise and address the severity of the identified threats stemming from Climate Change and Peak Oil.
 Renewable Energy: The draft fails to effectively commit to renewable energy as a fundamental part of any transport response to climate change and peak oil.
 Policy Disconnect: The draft fails to effectively translate the State Government aim of “sustainable transport” into policies capable of delivering on that commendable aim.
 Public Transport: The draft fails, by adoption of an inappropriate reactive model, to proactively embrace public transport for Cairns and region.

A link to the PDF is available on this blog site.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

CAST Activities - Get Involved!

Come and say hi to CAST at Envirofiesta at Cominos House, Greenslopes St on Saturday August 2nd from 10am to 5pm. We invite you to sign our submission on sustainable transport for the FNQ 2025 Regional Plan and to find out about the launch of "Need A Ride" in Cairns (see the weblinks on our site).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

World Environment Day June 5

CAST along with other environmental organisations in Cairns including Cairns Bicycle Users Group (CBUG), Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) and Austn Conservation Foundation (ACF) organised a bike ride and rally for World Environment Day 2008. The theme was Kick The Car Habit and we put forward demands for better public transport and bikeways.
On Thursday June 5, Cyclists met at 7.15am at Westcourt on Mulgrave Rd and rode to CITY PLACE for Rally, speakers and refreshments from 8am to 8.30am.

Upcoming CAST meetings

Cairns Action for Sustainable Transport (CAST) is a community group which formed this year. Our aim is to encourage community discussion and participation in establishing environmentally sustainable, effective and socially just transport systems for Cairns and its region.
Everyone is encourage to get involved in CAST.
CAST meets every second Tuesday of the month.
7pm at Tramways at the Cape York Hotel, Spence Street, City. Cheap meals are available. For more info phone Jonathan 0431 683 088.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

US fuel prices push public transport numbers to 50-year high

US fuel prices push public transport numbers to 50-year high

Record fuel prices in the US have spurred the highest level of public transport use in the country in half a century.

A report by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has found that US commuters took more than 10 billion trips on trains and buses in the last year.
Light rail systems had the highest percentage of increased passenger use, up 6.1 per cent in 2007.

"Public transportation use is up 32 per cent since 1995, a figure that is more than double the growth rate of the population (15 per cent) and over the growth rate for the vehicle miles travelled on our nation's highways (24 per cent) for that same period," the report said.
The Association has called for more federal funding so that Americans can access affordable
transport options.

"Now with gas prices predicted to rise to $US4 ($4.30) a gallon, there is a greater urgency for higher federal funding to expand US public transportation systems so Americans have an affordable transportation choice," APTA president William W Millar said.

Next CAST organising meeting

After a very successful first public peeting with over 50 people attending, CAST will be holding its next organising meeting to discuss the future possiblities for the group.

When? 1st April at 7pm
Where? Venue TBC

For more info call Jonathan 0431 683 088

Monday, March 10, 2008

Public Meeting - 11 March, 7pm

Better Public transport and Bikeways
Public Meeting
* no more gridlock
* free and frequent public transport
* a network of safe bikeways
* light rail
*sustainable town planning
Have your say!
Talk with council candidates about better
and cleaner transport for Cairns.
TUES 11 MARCH - 6:45 for &pm start
Serbian club, 73-79 Greenslopes Street, Edge Hill
ph : 0431 683 088